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Book Recommendations for 2020

Last year, I read a bunch of really great books. Since so many people ask me what I read, I thought I would share with you my favourites of last year.

The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo

This was the first book that I read in 2019 and was immediately inspired to follow through with the idea of becoming minimalist.

My family were only partially interested, but one piece of advice was to focus on myself only and leave the rest. My house is still messy, but my parts are happily minimalist. It definitely “sparks joy” when you own less, don’t see clutter and cherish what you own.

Freedom from papers has been the biggest blessing. I’ve been able to take my business paperless.

The Body Says No by Dr. Gabor Mate

A dear friend accidentally purchased two copies of this online and I was happy to buy one off her. I read this, quickly in case she wanted to discuss the book together but never expected how impactful this book was. To me, it’s a game changer in understanding how a person’s biography becomes their biology.

It’s more than simply mind over matter for health and wellbeing. It uncovers many answers such as how come people who do everything right, still end up being sick.

It’s a great way to examine our relationship with stress.

Becoming by Michelle Obama

I believe it’s important to read biographies of powerful and influential women that I admire. I picked this one up and loved it from the moment I started.

Michelle Obama is a powerful and influential woman who keeps her journey so real. Her decisions are conscious and intentional and to hear how she managed through some of her personal challenges was inspiring and humbling at the same time.

Whether you are a fan of the Obamas or not, this is a wonderful read.

Dare To Lead by Brene Brown

I’m halfway through this book and love Brene’s style of writing. She’s funny and doesn’t take herself too seriously when she presents her research. This is a culmination of her previous four books.

She helped me understand what it meant to have courage and brings forth a different approach to leading — an approach that I resonate with and would like to follow suit.

The Law of Success by Parmahansa Yogananda

This tiny little booklet lives on a shelf in my loo. I read a different section of this book before starting my day. It’s packed with gems of wisdom and practical advice that simply never gets old.

It keeps me humble, real and authentic, but really helps me focus and set the right kind of intentions for my day.

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Swami Satchidananda

I know this may seen obvious that I would recommend this one, but actually I read this book over and over every year. I spend time to go through it all and occasionally compare it to other translations.

I always get something new from the teachings which are simple yet practical. It’s a perfect “how to” manual to master your own mind.

Some folks might need help understanding parts, however if that is you, I would recommend reading this alongside Nalanie’s Raja Yoga Foundation Course Online.

I would love to hear about the books you read and find inspiring to help inform my 2020 book list. Please feel free to share in the comments section below.