I’m committed to sharing the teachings of Yoga
as they have been passed down to me.
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I have a passion for teaching yoga to people of all ages and abilities. It’s a discipline that helps anyone live a happier life. I have seen many of my students save their marriages, reduce their dependency on mood-enhancers, speak their truth, believe in themselves more and have the courage to choose the path of peace above all else.
I was born into a family of devotees. My father was my first Integral Yoga Hatha teacher, my mother an example of Karma Yoga. Yoga has been a part of my life as long as I can remember. Our family Guru was Sri Swami Satchidananda. I spent many years under his loving guidance. I was never a super flexible or strong yogi. My practice consisted of asana, pranayama, meditation, and the life practices of the Eight-Limbed Path of yoga. Several aspects of my life changed, including my relationship with myself, my family, and with the world around me… all for the better.
I became certified to teach in 2002 at Satchidananda Ashram: Yogaville. Lived and served at Integral Yoga Institute in Tamil Nadu, South India in 2003. I became a 500-hour teacher in 2004, prenatal yoga teacher 2008, children’s yoga teacher 2011, and certified yoga therapist 2017.
My journey in teaching yoga has not been an easy one. The students who requested my services were complete beginners, older students, people with health issues, people with disability and even young fit students who were injured by their studio classes. I came to realise that Yoga is not exclusively for the fit, flexible or affluent. It is for everyone.
I have over 20 years experience teaching people from all walks of life. I have become an authorised yoga teacher trainer under the Integral Yoga Academy for 500-hours training. I have developed my own signature trainings in adaptive styles of yoga, so that teachers have the confidence to teach any person that walks into their classrooms.
I have been blessed to study with incredible Swamis, Yoga Masters, modern yoga teachers, therapists and mental health advocates including: Nalanie Chellaram, Sonia Sumar, Jivana Heyman, Dr. Gabor Mate MD, Dr. Mala M Cunningham PhD, Matthew Sanford, and many more.