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Starting 2018 Mindfully

Last year, each time someone asked me how I was, I replied, "Busy!"

2017 was exhilarating but so exhausting that I crashed into the holidays looking forward to cutting myself off from the world for a couple of weeks. Just the thought of organising my next steps was terrifying. So I decided not to deal with any of it and spent a fabulous Christmas with my husband's family in the South of Spain. 

Time off can do wonders.

I had hoped to set my new year's intentions and goals before the year actually began, but that was a bad idea because I was running on empty. So here I am; one week into 2018 and I've only just looked at my inbox... and it's full... and I'm terrified to rush back in.

I promised myself that 2018 was going to be one of simplicity and decluttering. So I have decided to take this first week back to look at everything I am supposed to rush back into and follow this guideline:

Step 1: Declutter the To Do List

So just like cleaning out a closet, I've decided to clean out my list of things to do. It's about applying non-attachment - letting go of the things that take me away from my focus. Here is my process:

  1. Start with what I can delegate or cancel. These are the easiest to complete. What work opportunities take me away from my focus that I can actually pass on to someone else? It's like a bag of old dresses that I pass along. Once tossed out, I know I will already feel lighter. 
  2. Look at small tasks that need follow-up and closure. These small tasks are also easy to complete and if there is anything outstanding, they will definitely leave my mind feeling clearer.
  3. Create a separate list of what is important to address. This includes the plans I have for the whole year but do not want to get lost among the mundane items. 
  4. Setting boundaries for 2018. Creating rules for conduct, just like the Yamas & Niyamas, but more personal. If an opportunity comes up on a Sunday (which is usually my family day), it really has to be rare for me to agree to it, otherwise it moves to something I can pass on to someone else. 

My next blog will be Step 2: Creating Goals fill up your heart and not just your schedule.  I'll go through the process and get back to you as soon as I can. In the mean time, I'm going with the guidance that slow and steady will yield more productivity in my life. 

See you soon!