25 Push Ups for 25 Days Challenge to Support Mental Health
A little everyday goes a long long way.
Day 1, I thought I was not going to make it. Everything hurt. By day 25, I am able to do 25 pushups (on my knees still) but smoothly and steadily in one go.
Small wins and incremental changes shifts your life.
Remember this when you are working with your mind. One day at a time, one step at a time.
To all of you suffering from poor mental health, here are some amazing resources that I have featured over the past few days.
Resources to Support Mental Health in Hong Kong
YAMA Foundation
Supporting the mental health of Teens and Children with Special Needs through yoga and mindfulness: https://www.yamahk.org/classes-events
OCD Anxiety Support Hong Kong
Runs monthly support groups led by Cognitive Behavioural Therapist, Minal Mahtani: https://www.ocdanxietyhk.org
Zubin Foundation
Offers mental health support to ethnic minorities in Hong Kong via their wellbeing centre: https://www.zubinfoundation.org/wellbeing
The Brightly Project
Led by Dr. Jamie Chiu, this initiative screens mental health of secondary students and runs a student suicide prevention programme: https://www.thebrightlyproject.com
Real Depression Project
Instagram account with sound advice for people living with depression and the people around them: https://www.instagram.com/realdepressionproject/
Heart Chat Hong Kong
Hong Kong’s first online matchmaking directory for mental health support and personal development:
KELY Support Hong Kong
Advocating for our city’s youth through initiatives of drug & alcohol awareness, mental health support, and positive youth development: https://kely.org/our-work
Mind Hong Kong
A mental health charity dedicated to supporting mental health in Hong Kong and improving awareness and understanding with a variety of community resources: https://www.mind.org.hk/mental-health-a-to-z/
Samaritans Hong Kong
Providing a 24-hour, multilingual suicide prevention hotline: https://samaritans.org.hk/services/24-hour-telephone-hotline/
Mental Health Aware Yoga
Mental Health Awareness with Yoga eBook and resources: https://www.mentalhealthawareyoga.com
CFSI Rebuilds
Supporting lives of people in the Philippines rebuild lives. https://cfsi.ph/programmes/
The Wise Mind Says
Really useful instagram account with tools for supporting mental health: https://www.instagram.com/thewisemindsays/