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The Breath vs. Meditation

Dr. Luciano Bernardi is a professor that I follow closely. He is the one I refer to when I speak about the benefits of mantra chanting and why they are so important to include in a yoga practice. He has created a scientific case for chanting.

When I read his latest sharing in the Yoga Therapy Today (YTT) magazine published by the International Association of Yoga Therapists, I was thrilled to hear of what he was studying next. I was fascinated to read the brief account of how him and his son studied the effects of respiration vs. meditation to decide which of the two actually created the benefit for our bodies and our minds.

I’ve attached the article here as a PDF for you to read. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Is it the Breath or the Meditation? By Luciano Bernardi and Nicolo Francesco Bernardi

While I am very grateful and respectful of science to pick things apart and look at things closely, I know that this is mainly to feed our desire for knowledge. Truth be told, none of these practices are meant to be done separately.

We are a complete and whole person, and therefore our practice needs to be complete and whole as well. This article was confirmation to me that everything influences everything… it’s all linked so we must always include it all for maximum benefit.

Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did!

Until next time!

For more information about the full study, please see: https://doi.org/10.1111/psyp.12972